Twitter suspends definitely the account of Donald Trump to “prevent ms incitacin violence”


It is a story without precedent, and which occurs three das after the assault on the Capitol led by the followers of the last 6 January

Twitter suspends definitely the account of Donald Trump to "avoid m

Twitter has decided to suspend forever the account of the president of The United States, Donald Trump. Ace has announced the own the social network of the bird in a publishing of your blog that ensures that this measure was taken “because of the risk of new incitements to violence”.

It is a story without precedent, and which occurs three das after the assault on the Capitol led by the followers of the last 6 January.

“In the context of the terrible events of this week, we have left this Wednesday that new violations of the Twitter rules may result in these facts.”

A few facts that have resulted in that, for the first time in history, a sitting president sees censored their accounts in social networks.

However, this is not the first time that Twitter makes exceptions to the accounts of Donald Trump. As they conocindose the results of the election in the various States, the president started to throw tweets in which verta accusations of fraud.

Twitter reacts quickly to the words of the president and I started to limit the reach of your tweets of different ways: either with an apostille stating that the message may not be true, well, avoiding that his followers could do retuit (but s that allow to quote their tweets), or preventing responses to their tweets.

“Our framework of interest to the public exists to allow people to hear directly from elected officials and leaders world directly. Est built on the principle that the people have the right to be able to give an account of open form”, said the statement from Twitter.

“However,” he continues, “we’ve been very clear from years ago that these accounts are not above our rules and you can’t use Twitter to incite violence”.

The tweets that have caused him to close the account

In the eyes of Twitter, the straw that has filled the glass, and that has led to the closure of the account of the president-in-office will be two tweets of the day 8 of January.

IN the first of them, the president, deca: “The 75.000.000 great patriotic americans that I have voted, AMERICA FIRST and MAKEAMERICA GREAT AGAIN [Dos lemas que ha usado Donald Trump], have a HUGE VOICE for a time in the future. They will not be missed with the respect or treated unfairly in any way.”

Meanwhile, the second tweet, he prayed the following. “For all those who have asked, not to go to the proclamacin [de Biden] on the 20th of January.”

A few tweets on the social network of the bird argues that “due to the tensions that exist in the united States” raz assault of the 6th of January, “these two tweets can be read in a context of ms broad facts” and that “due to the ways in which the statements of the president can be mobilized for different audiences, including for incitement to violence, besides the context on the pattern of behavior during the last weeks”, have taken to Twitter to make this decision.

A closing scenario-based hipotticos

On the tweet in which Trump makes sure that not to come to the decision posesin Biden, Twitter argues that this message “is being received by some of its supporters as an acknowledgement by ms that the elections were not legtimas” and that “can be interpreted as a reniego of their previous statements that made it through the deputy to his chief of staff, Dan Scavino, in the sostena that there will be a ‘transition countries ordered the January 20″

Also, the tweet of the decision posesin, Twitter and also understands that “will serve as encouragement to those who potentially consider acts of violence as decision posesin will be a target ‘safe’, because Trump did not assist”.

On the first of the tweets (those 75 million votes) Twitter says that “the use of the words ‘Patriotic Americans’ to describe his followers, it is also being interpreted as an act of support to those who committed acts of violence in the Capitol”.

Also, the mencin “GIANT VOICE for a time in the future,” and the phrase “will not be missed with the respect or treated unfairly in any way”, according to Twitter, “est feel interpreted as a new indication that the president Trump do not plan to facilitate a ‘transition countries sorted’ and instead plans to continue supporting, empowering, and escudando to those who believe that gan-election”.

Besides, Twitter seala both inside and outside of your platform, “have begun to proliferate plans” as “proposals to carry out a second attack on the Capitol and in state capitols” on the 17th of January.

By way of conclusion, the release of the platform points out that “these two tweets will be able to inspire others to replicate the acts of violence that have taken place on the 6th of January 2021 and that there are multiple indicators that we are receiving and understanding [los tuits] as a incitacin”.

Reaction of Trump

For his part, Donald Trump reject this Friday the decision on Twitter and said that arises to create your own platform to spread without filters their messages. “We don’t silenciarn!”, said Trump after Twitter announced that it has permanently suspended his account.

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